Sunday, December 11, 2011

20 months!!

Here are a few pictures to let you know what Emersen has been up to lately.....

Spending time with her cousins at Thanksgiving....guess John was tired of the girls by this point. For some reason, this is the only picture on my memory card of Thanksgiving. I am sure that Trevor has the rest someplace :)

Dressing for the chilly weather...please disregard the flip-flops that she is carrying

Wearing pigtails.....

Or just one 'bow' as she calls it.....

And having tea parties with some of her may recognize them as Gonzo and Kermit. :)

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Happy Veteran's Day

Even though it is now December, I would like to share a post about this past Veteran's Day. My Dad and Alice got to come down and visit and my Dad was even part of my elementary school's Veteran's Day program! It was a special program. He did a great job and I am very proud of him!

Here is Grandpa on stage. Our music teacher developed this year's program to resemble a radio program.

Dad and I

At the park on Saturday with Grandpa and Nana; it was so cold and windy. We only stayed for a little bit but Emersen surprised us all by climbing up on the bouncer all by herself! :)

We rounded out the weekend by celebrating at the Opera House. Emersen sat in a booster seat vs. a high chair so as you can see, I was scrambling for more toys to keep her busy. We had a great visit!!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Well, we have words!! Real, real words!! I posted Emersen's 18month blog entry, but for some reason it ended up before the Halloween post, so if you want her current 'stats' be sure to check that post out :)
I meant to include a list of her new words but I forgot so here they are in no special order:
dada, uh-oh, shoes, my shoes, your shoes, where go?, paci, my paci, spoon, down...

Now I am just drawing a blank; it's been a loooong day! Stay tuned for more words!! :)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween 2011

Happy Halloween 2011! Emersen helped carve our pumpkin on Sunday afternoon...
She loved sticking her hand inside the 'goo' once she saw us do it :)

She knew right where to put the top

And of course we had to play with the seeds for awhile; taking them out of the bowl, putting them back in, and repeating the process :)

After Emersen's reaction to her costume over Fall Break, I was a little hesitant to put her in her outfit on Halloween, but we were watching Mickey Mouse and all the characters were in costumes so I just kept that show on and got her ready soooooo fast!!
Here she is!

We took her to UTM to trick-or-treat and she had a blast! She loved carrying her bucket and would just take the candy and drop it inside. She really didn't want to leave.

Ah, yes and even Trevor got into the Halloween spirit! :)

Thursday, October 27, 2011

18 months (well, more like 19 months)

It is so strange to say the Emersen is 18 months...that is one and 1/2!!!! I know I say this all the time, but time is flying by way too fast! (And I am so very late posting this entry since she is now 19 months)
Emersen has really changed a lot during the past few months. She is such a little 'person' complete with her own attitude on things like food, games, and rules.
We had a really good well-check appt., not including the two shots she had to get but at least we are done with our immunizations until she starts school (wow, that is just too much to think about right now).

Here are some of her most recent likes and "stats"~
*she weighs 25.9 lbs and is 34.3 in. tall
*she still wears some 24 month clothes, but we are really getting into the 2T size....and just about size 6 shoes
* 'college'; she loves going to school and playing with her friends. Luckily when Trevor takes her in the AM it is breakfast time and some days she even cries when it is time to leave and head home
*her blankie...oh boy, does she love that

*shoes!!! even my shoes (as you can tell from the picture above..and gosh, she looks so tall for some reason!)
*climbing and even more climbing

*jumping and even more jumping

*taking off her own clothes and shoes...that is the reason for the backwards jacket in the playground pictures :)

It has been an interesting ride into toddler-ville with this little one! She seems to always keep us laughing as well as 'on guard' as she is so quick!! :)

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Fall Break 2011

Emersen and I spent my fall break in Indianapolis about a week ago (wow, this post is a little bit late...). We had a great time as always! I was really surprised at how well Emersen did during the car trip, but I guess when she can watch Mickey Mouse, Yo Gabba Gabba, and the Wiggles, anything is possible! :)
While we were in Indy, we got to visit the Children's Museum which was all decked out for Halloween and thanks to Uncle Todd, we were able to get some special "VIP" tickets. The girls played at a water table, explored the exhibit on frogs, and even sat in a racecar!

We also visited a pumpkin patch. Here are the 3 girls before we left the house.

Emersen with Nina on the hayride

Emersen picking out her own pumpkin...there were so many to choose from :)

Playing in the toy room~of course with our sunglasses on

Snack time!!

We had a great trip and had so much fun! Thanks to Aunt Megan, Uncle Todd, Nina, Logan, and Zoe for putting up with us and letting us 'take over' your house for a couple of days! :)

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Spending time with MiMi and Dzia Dzia

We had a fun weekend with MiMi and Dzia Dzia! On Saturday we got all bundled up and went to the park. Emersen was so excited to wear her new fleece and hat! She thought it would be a good idea to accessorize with her sunglasses too! :)

Bouncing on the airplane.....

UTM was full of sporting events so after Emersen's nap we went to the volleyball match (but only caught the last few points). After the gym cleared out, Emersen had so much fun running around the court. Then it was up the hill to head out for a quick dinner and then off to the football game.

Emersen is very excited about her new red ruby shoes!

Sunday morning treat: Donuts!! I think she likes, them don't you?!?

Before MiMi and Dzia Dzia left we took a quick walk to our neighborhood park. Emersen wanted to wear her fox ears :)

Just hanging out on the swings with Dzia Dzia

We all had such a wonderful weekend and can't wait to do it again!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Emersen the Fox

Last week when I went to pick up Emersen, she had "turned into a fox"!! Her theme for the week at school was forest animals and for a skit she chose to be a fox. Well, she has loved this head piece so much that it has gone to the playground, outside, to the children's library, and on a walk with us. She even likes to put on her fox ears over her hat!!!

Children's Library

Just playing outside with my fox ears

Alright Mom, enough with the camera :)

One more..on our walk with MiMi and Dzia Dzia this weekend (I will post about our fun weekend later this week)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Fashionista in the making??

I just would like to share a couple of Emersen's outfits from last week. The first outfit was put on by Trevor as they went for a bike ride while I was getting my hair cut and going to the gym. I guess since both the top and bottom had navy, they sort of matched (those were Trevor's words by the way)?!?

Oh, and Emersen loves loves loves to take off her own shoes now...wondering when that phase will pass??
The second outfit is what Emersen chose to wear to the Soybean Festival...beads, hat (in 85 degree weather) and sunglasses. She was quite the hit to say the least! :) Oh, and the hat...yeah, it continues to be her accessory of choice!!

Soybean Festival=Great place to wear my Notre Dame beads!!

Off and running! :) Growing up way too fast

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Soybean Festival

This past week we had the Soybean Festival in the land of Martin. Last year, Emersen was just a little one and she didn't even get out of the stroller. This year...she was so interested and loved wandering around all of the people. I think she is into people watching already! See, there are these concerts which start around 7pm each night; however, people start staking out their spots at like 3pm. Emersen thought that all of these lawn chairs were just for we had to make a quick getaway; oh, and it started to pour just as we made it back to the car. We didn't even indulge in a funnel cake this year, only homemade kettle corn. I also spent the day Friday at the festival with the elementary kids and this year I got a little crazy and decided to ride the Ferris Wheel and share these beautiful photos of the Martin skyline! :)