Friday, September 24, 2010

Secret pictures

So until I put the memory card into the card reader I had no idea how many secret pictures Trevor had taken of Emersen. Some are morning pictures (before he takes her to college daycare) and some are on the weekends when I head to the gym. I just thought you might enjoy seeing how they spend time together!

Just lounging...

Emersen and I have been taking walks pretty much every evening...well, when it's not too hot outside. Lately, she has been figuring out ways to 'lounge' in the stroller. This first picture is of my view looking down at her. She loves putting her feet up on the tray!

Soybean Festival

Here is a picture of Emersen at her first festival! The Soybean Festival took place in Martin a few weeks ago and we decide to head out for a little bit to show Emersen the 'sights' of a small town festival. Needless to say, we didn't stay too long; only long enough for Trevor and myself to share a funnel cake! Yum!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

First tooth!

Emersen has her first tooth!! She was not extra fussy or anything last week and Thursday evening before her bath I thought that I would just feel around in there to see if any progress was occurring and all of a sudden my finger ran over a sharp thing...which would equal her first tooth! It is on the bottom left side, not all the way up, and definitely too hard to get a picture of it right now. I kind of feel that she is more fussy now that it has come through. Anyway, we just wanted to share our fun update with all of you!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Labor Day weekend

Trevor headed to Indiana for the Labor Day weekend, so we decided to make it a 'girls only' weekend at our house. My mom, Megan, Logan, and Zoe drove down and spent Saturday-Monday with Emersen and myself. We had a great time! Logan and Zoe have grown so much and are so active and fun. Emersen was so curious about their food, so we decided to let her play with a spoon and amazingly she knew exactly what to do with it! The twins thought running up and down our hallway was so cool. They also got to meet a horse that was next, I guess in TN people have horses visit for a holiday weekend. :)
We went to the park so that the girls could get out some energy and since Emersen could not play on the equipment, she decided to just take a nap. We had a wonderful weekend and can't wait to see them all again!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Saturday football/Girl's day

We are ready for football season! Emersen put on her Irish outfit to 'tailgate' and watch the game. We really would have liked to have been in South Bend for the game, but since we couldn't be there in person we tailgated for a bit in the backyard. As you can tell from the picture below, I am sure our supplies were much different than those at the adult tailgate :)!
Since Trevor was away for the weekend, Emersen and I had a nice, relaxing girl's day~we napped, played, cleaned the house, did laundry, ran some errands, and took a nice walk because the weather was so beautiful!

5 months old!

Emersen is now 5 months old! Wow! At 5 months, she:
-wears size 3 diapers and 6-9 month clothes (although she is probably closer to the 9mo. size)
-rolls over both ways..and loves to roll around
-likes to 'sit'
-watches everything!
-loves to be outside and go for walks
-giggles, especially when Trevor raises her up in the air
-talks and babbles a lot (especially in the morning....even if it is only 6am!)
-is doing very well at 'college' daycare
-has had her 1st cold (ick)
-loves to be in a jumper activity
-gives the best smiles when she wakes up or when I pick her up in the afternoon
-kicks and splashes in the bath
-enjoys playing with her feet...and yes, she can pull her foot all the way to her mouth, but mostly she likes to pull off her socks
-is such a happy, happy baby!